Privacy Policy

Legal Disclaimer

We respect your privacy and do not provide user information to third parties without your permission. We do not sell our subscriber list. We may, however, disclose personal information when required by law.

Consent to Electronic Communication and Transactions

When you visit or use this site or when you send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. When you use the Contact Us form on our website, you are communicating with our group, staff and/or business associates electronically. We or business associates will communicate with you by sending you emails. You consent to these methods of communication and consent to allow us access to protected health information that may be contained in the electronic communications. You, we and our business associates each agree to conduct electronically the business, commercial and healthcare transactions, if any and as applicable, in which you engage. You agree that all agreements, notices, records, disclosures and other communications that we and business associates provide to you electronically satisfy all legal requirements that such communications be in writing.

NeuroStar TMS Therapy, West Chester, Pennsylvania